Knee Scooter Rental in Burbank and Surrounding Areas
Foot injury in Burbank and Cook County and need a knee scooter?
Don’t let crutches ruin your recovery, rent a knee scooter with free delivery in a few days!Orthomate All Terrain Knee Scooter
Free shipping & return
Best knee scooters on the market
- We have been renting knee scooters in Burbank for the last 10 years. Delivered to your home or office with free return to Cook County in as little as a few days, regain your freedom. Don’t let your injury keep you from travel or work, our top-rated knee scooter models can get you where you need to go in Burbank. From slamming a beer at Dalton's or indulging in some barbeque at Chuck's Southern Comforts Cafe, our knee scooter models have you covered! Read our FAQ page for common questions about our knee scooter models.